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My Services

Choosing your massage.......


Relaxation Massage

 If you're looking for a relaxing massage near me or a mobile massage in Melbourne, look no further. Relax and unwind with a therapeutic massage to invigorate your body and ease the tensions of everyday life. This massage is designed to encourage your blood and lymphatic system (the bodies 2nd largest transport system of healing fluid, lymph) to circulate better and move toxins out of the body whilst decreasing tension and stresses in the soft tissues. The strokes are more gliding and rhythmic than a remedial treatment and this also puts the body in a parasympathetic state (rest and digest). You'll feel amazing after one of these treatments but always remember to hydrate as water is the vehicle for moving those toxins through and out of the body.


Remedial Massage

If you're looking for a remedial massage near me or a mobile remedial massage in Melbourne, look no further. Remedial treatments aim to correct specific dysfunction and are more targeted to a specific region of pain or discomfort. Your complete body posture is assessed and corrective soft tissue manipulation and stretching is performed to both increase your joints range of motion whilst decreasing pain and tension in the soft tissues such as muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia.


Other Techniques

During either Relaxation Massage or Remedial Massage treatments I employ many different techniques that are used across both modalities to achieve a softening and lengthening of soft tissues. In addition to my hands, I utilise cupping and Trigger Point therapy to achieve this. Cupping is a very effective way of encouraging blood and lymph to an affected area to clean out debris by drawing the tissues up and away from each other, rather than applying pressure downward, which in some cases may be uncomfortable.

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